In the first stage of this process, there are three avenues for community contribution below. We actively welcome participation from all members of the JIRP community. To fully realize our goals, we welcome input from former students, staff, faculty, parents, local partners, and colleagues.

We are profoundly grateful for everyone in the JIRP community who contributes their time and resources to continue to growing the program. JIRP is only possible because of the 40,000+ hours of volunteer work the staff, faculty, board members, and alumni contribute every year. Thank you to everyone who contributes to this particular effort.

Open Feedback Form

We are opening a JEDI Open Feedback Form. We invite thoughts, reflections, and criticisms from everyone who has interacted with JIRP. This feedback form allows you to remain anonymous, although sharing contact information will help us follow up. Feedback submitted here will help the JEDI Steering Committee continue drafting our Action Plan to improve JIRP.

JEDI Volunteer Corps

Nearly everything at JIRP is accomplished by our volunteers. While the JEDI Steering Committee is responsible for setting goals and defining the next steps for JIRP, the Volunteer Corps will be the first line in implementing these steps to achieve our goals. Please find more information here.

JEDI Steering Committee

The JEDI Steering Committee will be responsible for finalizing goals for, and leading the implementation of, the JEDI Action Plan. The Steering Committee will be composed of five members of the JIRP Leadership and an equal or greater number of alumni.

We are seeking applications for the alumni positions on the Steering Committee. Please find more the application and information here on how we are picking the first team, their responsibilities, compensation, and expected time commitment. The application is open to all alumni of JIRP - students, staff, and faculty.