JIRP’s JEDI Council has rebranded! We are now the Inclusion and Diversity Coalition (IDC).

Along with the new name, the IDC is transforming and will update the information here soon. You can expect more information about current projects, how to get involved, and, as always, an open feedback form. Thanks for your interest in making JIRP a more equitable program!

-The IDC, October 2023

JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Given long-standing and systemic problems with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in the Earth science community, as well as increased national focus on solving these problems, we at JIRP are renewing and re-evaluating our commitments to all our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We stand in a powerful position as a small organization that draws members from a wide geographic area and varied academic and professional spheres. We are focusing that power to actively push our community to anti-racist practices.

Our Academic Council has been working on a strategic plan to address challenges around JEDI since January 2020. We want to capitalize on this time of national focus to finish building this plan and to put it into action. On this page you can find our preliminary timeline for finalizing and implementing our JEDI Action Plan, several ways to get involved, and notifications about when and how we will be seeking community feedback.

The short-term goal of all these efforts is to finalize and begin implementing a JIRP JEDI Action Plan. This document will detail actions, timelines, and accountability for change in all aspects of our programming. By this winter we hope to have a final draft of this document posted here. The long-term goal of these efforts is to make JIRP the best program it can be for Earth science students, faculty, and support staff.

The following timeline outlines how we our work this fall proceeds. Given the challenges of working with large teams of volunteers, some of these dates may shift. We will keep this page updated as we go.

January 2020 - August 17

Academic Council finalizes the first draft of JIRP’s JEDI Action Plan. This document outlines areas for growth, actions, timelines, and specific steps for making improvements to the education and research programs. We on JIRP’s leadership team feel strongly that it is our responsibility to take the first steps toward growth in this area.

August 4 - September 14

Build a JEDI Steering Committee to work with select members of the JIRP Leadership for the next year on crafting and implementing JIRP’s JEDI Action Plan. The Steering Committee will be composed of five members of the JIRP Leadership, and an equal or greater number of JIRP alumni who apply specifically to the Steering Committee.

August 4 - September 28

  • Open a Feedback Form for feedback specifically about issues of JEDI. This form includes some prompts, but also allows free form responses. Respondents have the option to remain anonymous. The results will be submitted to the JEDI Steering Committee for their consideration in building the JEDI Action Plan.

  • Open sign ups for the JEDI Volunteer Corps. This group will be on standby to help put plans into action, as directed by the JEDI Steering Committee.

September 14 - November 20

The JEDI Steering Committee will review first draft of the JEDI Action Plan, review and collate public feedback, and write a second draft of JEDI Action Plan.

November 20

‘JEDI Action Plan - Second Draft’ posted for public comment. The format for public comment is up to the JEDI Steering Committee. It may include a second feedback form, an open zoom meeting, consulting with outside groups, and/or other avenues for submitting thoughts.

November 20 - February 1

JEDI Steering Committee meets to discuss comments and edits, posts final draft of the JEDI Action Plan.

February - September 2021

JEDI Steering Committee continues to meet regularly to implement the JEDI Action Plan and to evaluate progress, with support from the JEDI Volunteer Corps. The JEDI Steering Committee, along with JIRP Leadership, will be responsible for planning how to continue their mission within JIRP; this will notably include how to replace members of the JEDI Steering Committee as needed in future years.