Each of the 2017 student research groups started the summer with a faculty-authored research proposals. These documents, linked below, were meant to draw some boundaries around each topic and give the students interested in the project somewhere to start. The students were primarily in charge of further defining the scope of the research efforts over the summer. At the end of the summer each group delivered powerpoint presentations of their work in Atlin, British Columbia and submitted abstracts to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. Many groups presented their results as a poster at the AGU Fall Meeting in December.

Avery Stewart, a student researcher with the Mass Balance team, collects a snow density sample in a pit. Photo credit: Susannah Cooley.

Avery Stewart, a student researcher with the Mass Balance team, collects a snow density sample in a pit. Photo credit: Susannah Cooley.

The Geophysics team pulls the Groundpenetrating RADAR across the surface of Taku Glacier. Photo credit: Daniel Otto.

The Geophysics team pulls the Groundpenetrating RADAR across the surface of Taku Glacier. Photo credit: Daniel Otto.

Isotope geochemistry students collect snow samples to analyze water isotopes. Photo credit: Hannah Perrine Mode.

Isotope geochemistry students collect snow samples to analyze water isotopes. Photo credit: Hannah Perrine Mode.

Heather, viewed through a handlens, on the Ecology research team’s three day trip to Avalanche Canyon. Photo credit: Evan Koncewicz.

Heather, viewed through a handlens, on the Ecology research team’s three day trip to Avalanche Canyon. Photo credit: Evan Koncewicz.

Two Geomatics students use the GPS to map the ogives at the base of the Vaughan Lewis Icefall. Photo credit: Julian Cross.

Two Geomatics students use the GPS to map the ogives at the base of the Vaughan Lewis Icefall. Photo credit: Julian Cross.

Biogeochemistry students traverse a supraglacial stream on the bare ice of the Llewellyn Glacier, looking for a good place to collect meltwater samples. Photo credit: Evan Koncewicz.

Biogeochemistry students traverse a supraglacial stream on the bare ice of the Llewellyn Glacier, looking for a good place to collect meltwater samples. Photo credit: Evan Koncewicz.